On behalf of Michael Brooks of Law Offices of Michael A. Brooks posted in commercial real estate on Wednesday, November 8, 2017.
When your customers are ready to “get swole” (work on fitness) they’re going to want access to social media to share their workout routines and successes. A quick browse through the #fitness hashtag on Instagram shows exercise enthusiasts posing with workout equipment, on machines or outdoors. Our ever-growing need for connection and social sharing doesn’t end when we start sweating.
Once you’ve chosen a commercial property to lease for your new facility, one of the first things you should work on is establishing good cell coverage. Here are a few tips for providing the coverage your clientele needs on your property.
1. Set up a strong WiFi network
Many cell phone users don’t have unlimited data and rely on WiFi to get on social media. Make sure you find a WiFi provider who can set up a strong network that can withstand the bandwidth of your clientele.
2. Protect your WiFi with a password – but make it easy to find
Password-protecting your business’s WiFi will keep nearby individuals from accessing and slowing the connection for your loyal gym members. But from a customer’s perspective, there is nothing more frustrating than being at a business with a password-protected connection and no easy way to find it. Employees are busy with other customers and you can’t see it anywhere, but you want to get on WiFi.
Include your WiFi password in any entry packets you give new gym members. Put up signs in visible places with the password, such as the locker room, for one-time users or those who forgot the password.
3. Consider leasing a cell phone tower
For possible instances when the WiFi network is down, having strong cell coverage will make your customers happy. Consider leasing a cell phone tower that can provide this coverage for your business. If you choose to take this route, relying on an expert to look over the terms of the lease who can spot issues you may not foresee will help you and your customers get the coverage you need at a fair rate.
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